Friday, December 11, 2009

The Gift of Teaching

Teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs someone could have. When I first started in the profession, I was an afternoon teacher at Page Private School. My mother worked here and I attended school there from part of 1st-the 7th grade. I was barely 18 years old when I had my own class of 5 year olds. I always knew I wanted to teach, I learned so much watching my mom in her classroom. But the one thing I was never surrounded by was the positive effect Christian schools have on children. Page was not a Christian school, just a private school. I left Page after a couple of months to teach at my home church, First Baptist Church of Orlando when I was 19. It was there where I started to feel like I was blessing not only the children's lives, but also the families I came in contact with. I now work at Delaney Street Baptist Early Learning Center and the feeling is the same. I cannot express how different it is to work in an environment where God is our main focus in everything we do. To see the children grow spiritually is something we strive to accomplish. When you walk into our classrooms at Christmas, and ask the children about the season, you will rarely hear any talk of Santa...the first thing they will say to you is "Baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in a manger". How sweet it is to hear...

Here is one of the girls I babysit that attended our school years ago. To see her play "Mary" at home is just proof that what we do stay in their hearts forever.

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