Monday, October 24, 2011

A New Beginning...

It's almost time for the big move! I am so excited to have my own house, well I don't actually own it, but It's mine for the time-being!
Having all this extra room is great, and I am looking forward to making the little house in the backyard into a gym for me and my friends to work out for FREE! How cool is that?! I also have an extra bedroom for all of my scrapbooking stuff, and also a place for friends & family to stay over.
The kitchen is now over there and finished up, I planned on packing my clothes and bringing them over yesterday, but with this sickness that popped up out of no where, it didn't happen. So I guess it will all have to get done Friday. Saturday, everyone is coming over to help with the big furniture (the hard part) and then I am in for good! I will be so close to downtown, and so much closer to everything else that I do, including work. What a relief!
This weekend is going to be crazy. I am taking Friday off of work so I can get a head start with the moving, Saturday is the rest of it, Sunday is the CKF kids party all day and then another event that night, phew! I think I am ready for this...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where Has the Time Gone?

It's been a while since I've been blogging. It's always nice to get back into it. Lately I have been so busy with everything going on..trying to pack for the move in 2 weeks, teaching, babysitting, tutoring, hanging with friends, doing my own school work for grad studies, and watching too many episodes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
I need to do this more often though, because it is pretty theraputic, and from what I hear, people seem to read it!
Right now I'm babysitting the Georgoudiou kids, I can't believe how much Miller has grown. I still remember him as a little 3 year old who was always anxious and only wanted Miss. Mallory around. Not so much now, I am not the cool one anymore :)

I move in 2 weeks! I can't believe it and am so very thankful to the Krantz's for this house! I will have so much more room and able to have people over...and a nice kitchen! You take things for granted when you live in a house, and when you wind up in a small apartment, you realize it! I can't wait to make the little house in the backyard into a Gym. But that will happen in time.
That's all for now, check back soon!
