Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Holiday Perfection

This post is written for the person who has visions of holiday perfection :) That person is also me-

Every year; during the fall season leading to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I have visions of what the holidays are SUPPOSED to look like. In my mind, a big family gets together- at a perfectly decorated home where the table is magazine perfect with the Christmas tree ready on Thanksgiving morning while you cook and watch Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. HA! Well, I can tell you now that this is not how it really is. Not during my childhood at least.

As an adult, I have spent most of these years half with family and half with friends. I would rush out of my house to get to my best friends house for a holiday. They were just as dysfunctional, if not more than my family! I don't really know why I was in such a rush to get there, it was definitely not from Norman Rockwell.
The past two years, things have changed, and my holidays are now spent with my family. Last year, I went to Williamsburg VA for Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle. Even though I loved the trip- it didn't feel "right".

This year- I am going to do my best to start my own traditions. I go to a wonderful new church where I feel that I am welcomed with open arms, and love it. So many familiar faces are there and it feels like home. This Thanksgiving Eve, I will be attending my church's Thanksgiving Service and Pie Social.
I am also hosting Thanksgiving at my house this year. I have a small family, so I have to make the best of it! I am cooking myself (except the turkey, gross) and have it all planned out- and yes, I am putting my tree up the day before and watching the Thanksgiving Parade while I cook :)

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