Saturday, January 9, 2010

Inspiration and Nutrition

While I love writing in my own blog, reading my other friends blogs is also fun for me. It's like reading a personal diary and you can really get to know someone just by keeping up with their blog, especially if you don't see them often. There is one that I follow all the time, Healthy Happenings. This blog is maintained by a lady, Tiffanie, that I met about 6 years ago when her children attended the school I taught in at First Baptist Orlando. She is also the creative mind behind those awesome purses I carry!! Anyways, her blog is filled with recipes and lifestyle advice when it comes to nutrition. I love everything about it, and because we have a lot of the same beliefs on organic eating, its even better! I am going to make her Chicken Tortilla soup tomorrow night : ) You should check it out, It may be your inspiration as it has been mine, to change the way you eat for the better...

Here is her link:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

That's What Friends Are For

I have to say I have some pretty awesome friends. I would do anything for you, and if you are a friend of mine, you know you can always count on me to be there for you 100% of the time, no matter what. This week has been full of girls nights. Movies, dinners out to Olive Garden, Red Lobster and Tijuana Flats, running though City Walk in the freezing cold, 2 year old tantrums, getting stuck for half hour in Universal's parking garage, KT's grandma driving like a mad woman so we didn't miss our movie, and some SERIOUS girl talk until the wee hours of the morning. It sure is a crazy week, but I wouldn't have it any other way....