Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Tennessee Night

So I arrived in Nashville yesterday to see my dad and my brothers and sister I havent seen in 3 years. I never liked to fly, but I actually enjoyed my flight and I might have to change my mind about my fear. Chris picked me up, hes 19 now and all grown up, but goofier than ever and lots of fun. I got to the house to see my 10 year old half brother Michael and he was too involved in his video games to care one way or another. Later that afternon my dad came home from work and then my little sister Cathryn with her mom, she is now 3 and a sweet little girl. She immediatly hugged me, smiled and knew who I was, which made me happy. Its very hard having siblings so far away that you dont know well, but when she saw me, it all worked out fine.

We all went to bed late and Cathryn and Michael decided to sleep with me in the living room. Let's just say I woke up with Cathryn asleep on my legs, and Michaels feet in my face after falling off the couch! Its very cold here this morning, in the 20s and I'm still in my pajamas. I know one thing about winter in Tennessee, you cannot walk around barefoot...socks and slippers are a must.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Ribbon Headband Trend

So I've been thinking about getting one of the new trends of the season. I'm not one to follow every trend that comes around, but some of the new ones are quite cute I have to say. I have always loved ribbons and bows, and if you know me well, you know that when I have a little girl of my own, she will always sport a matching big bow in her hair that will coordinate with her outfits! I love this look and always wondered what an adult woman would look like with such a thing in her hair..well guess what..you can wear one too, headband style! I was so excited when I saw these and bought a black one with sequins on it to wear with one of my new sweaters.
I found mine at Forever 21 for under $4.00! J Crew also has them, but they are more pricey. Maybe you should try it too, they have them in all styles : ) Join the club...

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Gift of Teaching

Teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs someone could have. When I first started in the profession, I was an afternoon teacher at Page Private School. My mother worked here and I attended school there from part of 1st-the 7th grade. I was barely 18 years old when I had my own class of 5 year olds. I always knew I wanted to teach, I learned so much watching my mom in her classroom. But the one thing I was never surrounded by was the positive effect Christian schools have on children. Page was not a Christian school, just a private school. I left Page after a couple of months to teach at my home church, First Baptist Church of Orlando when I was 19. It was there where I started to feel like I was blessing not only the children's lives, but also the families I came in contact with. I now work at Delaney Street Baptist Early Learning Center and the feeling is the same. I cannot express how different it is to work in an environment where God is our main focus in everything we do. To see the children grow spiritually is something we strive to accomplish. When you walk into our classrooms at Christmas, and ask the children about the season, you will rarely hear any talk of Santa...the first thing they will say to you is "Baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in a manger". How sweet it is to hear...

Here is one of the girls I babysit that attended our school years ago. To see her play "Mary" at home is just proof that what we do stay in their hearts forever.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Barbie Ornament

Two years ago, I bought a Christmas tree to have in my bedroom, It's a pretty nice size and it stands on the floor about 5 1/2 feet. I love my white tacky christmas tree as I call it, and it makes my room look extra festive. I have my own ornaments I have collected over the years, but I decided to go through my moms collection and I found one that I remember as a little girl...my barbie ornament, stuffed at the bottom of the plastic bin.

I now have it hanging on my tree in my room, and everytime I look at it, I think back to my Barbie days..15 years ago.


So after many many months of reading my friends blogs, I have decided it's time to start my own personal blog. I love writing and I think it will be a nice way for everyone to know what's going on in the life of me : ) Welcome to The diary of 1984...